
September 2021

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 | 15 Building Envelope we're seeing a lot more interest in the glazed option, partly because of its afford- ability and also because architects are really starting to find their footing with respect to specifying beautiful custom glazes." Additionally, Sound Solutions is being increasingly approached to provide Formparts by Riedel for a variety of projects. This includes a new condominium in Vancouver, Mondivan, the first big Formparts project in Canada. "Mondivan exhibits all sorts of unusual shapes, and that's because Formparts is extruded and its panels are slid into moulds while still wet to create specific shapes, includ- ing V, L, and other complex configurations," says Rogers. "Structural strength remains intact because of integrated glass fibre, which also means you can make large panels that are only half an inch thick." Engineered Assemblies also has an extruded product for designers, one made in Spain of porcelain: Frontek was recently launched in Canada, and it has excellent technical qualities for cladding ventilated facades. The facade panels have many finishes and can be colour customized on request. Frontek's Inside and Outside System creates a dynamic multi-layer sur- face on any facade, without the requirement to modify the substrate. Engineered Assemblies is also invested in protecting building owners over the long haul. Technical advisor, Jeff Ker, explains, "Our new Certified Series is a first of its kind in Canada and offers a pathway to compliance for facade instal- lations in Canada. In many cases, if a facade is installed incorrectly the warranty becomes void, so when problems occur down the road the unsuspecting owner finds out the hard way. "Our Certified Series program uses software to unite the architect as client representative, the general contractor and the subcontractor under a common methodology and with a software platform to monitor and report on the execu- tion of a correctly detailed, high-performance rear ventilated rainscreen system." Finally, Mapei Canada is well known for its coatings such as Elastocolor that provide both waterproofing and an attractive esthetic for the exteriors of build- ings (Elastocolor's high-build acrylic coating line provides long-term protection against weather and aging with brilliant colour and low maintenance). Yoanna Pergantis, marketing director at Mapei Canada, adds, "We also offer technical support, engineering, and experience to solve all the restoration issues that property managers and owners face in their efforts to maintain a building's structure and esthetics." Mapei's products range from corrosion protection for embedded steel rein- forcement and structural repair (fibre-reinforced polymer systems that include carbon fibre materials with impregnating epoxy resins) to waterproofing (a comprehensive line of waterproofing materials such as the industry-leading Mapelastic fluid-applied, flexible cementitious membrane). A Certified Series facade installation. Elastocolor Flex application. P H OTO G R A P H Y CO U RT E SY EN G I N EER ED A SS EM B L I E S; M A P EI C A N A DA SOPRA-XPS : AN INGREDIENT FOR CLIMATE INNOVATION 99.92% less GHG emissions than its previous formula

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