
December 2021

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Fire-rated aluminum framing in use at the Collin College Technical Campus, Allen, TX. Keralite fire protective glass-ceramic installation, Slocum Independent School District in Elkhart, TX. D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 | 37 Fire Protection Systems Fire protection systems are being tailored to more than exceed safety requirements by ROBIN BRUNET W ith detection, prevention, fireproofing, and other elements coming into play, the broad category of fire protection amounts to huge business. However, like every other segment of construction, fire pro- tection was impacted by the pandemic; specifically, there was a reduction in new systems due to supply chain disruptions. Still, the need to safeguard life and property is expected to boost product demand moving forward, and even though COVID is still a concern, some companies view the coming year as rife with opportunity. Kevin Norcross, general manager of Vetrotech Saint-Gobain North America, explains, "Now is the time to focus on opportunity and how to take the lessons learned from the pandemic to build a more resilient future. After all, we're watching the global economy return to pre-pandemic levels. We see design and construction demand setting records on a regular basis, and it seems like AIA is tracking record high billings each month." Accordingly, Vetrotech has, as usual, been busy responding to customer needs. "They were looking for an extra-clear, 45-minute, fire-protective product that passes the hose stream test and fits into standard openings," Norcross says. "So early this year, we expanded the listings for our 19-millimetre Pyroswiss fire-protective product. It's been part of our listings for two decades, and now it's been tested and listed for 45-minute fire-protective window/sidelite/transom applications, passing the hose stream test." Norcross adds, "When we work with our customers on design assist solutions we're always finding interesting ways to use our products. Whether it is a curved fire-resistive glass in specialty applications like elevator enclosures and stair- ways, or providing multifunctional solutions that incorporate bullet-, blast-, or seismic-protection with fire-ratings, the possibilities are endless." Vetrotech glazing solutions are either fire-protective or fire-resistant. For example, Keralite is a fully code compliant UL-listed fire protective glass- ceramic able to resist high temperature and thermal shock up to 180 minutes. This cost-effective and wire-free product is ideal for fire windows and fire door vision-lites. In the fire-resistive realm, Contraflam is a single or multi-chamber glass containing an environmentally friendly intumescent interlayer: in the event of fire, it offers full heat insulation for the compartmentalization of fire. Increasingly, companies such as Aluflam North America are providing advi- sory services in addition to the provision of solutions (which in Aluflam's case consists of fire-rated aluminum/glass construction, with the company highly sought for its top-of-the-line vision doors, windows, and glazed wall systems). Jerry Cucchi, sales manager Aluflam North America, explains, "Certified and labelled products are what everyone demands, but they still have limits since regulations vary from region to region. That's why we place a focus on consulting with clients, to ensure that the type of product they require also lives up to their specific regulatory requirements." Cucchi goes on to note that, "One trend we're seeing more of is smoke and draft control in commercial spaces, large offices, and multi-residential build- ings. The requirements are far more stringent than ever, and we supply the appropriate labelled products to ensure that our clients achieve compliance. Fortunately, all of our products are pre-labelled and tested independently for smoke and draft performance, which makes the challenge a little easier." Unsurprisingly, Aluflam, which first drew attention in the fire protection realm for its patented technology that made aluminum framing fire rated, is the preferred choice for glazing contractors, partly because its frames are delivered Building A Resilient Future P H OTO G R A P H Y BY P ER K I N S &W I L L /CO U RT E S Y A LU F L A M N A ; RO B ERT B R AY TO N /CO U RT E S Y V E T ROT EC H SA I N T- GO BA I N N A 3:14 PM

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