32 Mineral Exploration | amebc.ca
The British Columbia Geological Survey
(BCGS) creates and disseminates public
geoscience to guide societal decisions,
connecting government with the minerals
industry and local communities. Applied
research activities are undertaken
by a range of technical experts using
established and emerging technologies, to
assess the geological evolution and mineral
resources of the province. Value is added
to BCGS programs through extensive
collaboration with federal, provincial and
territorial geoscience agencies and other
national and international organizations.
BCGS provides freely accessible reports,
maps and databases via MapPlace 2,
the BCGS geospatial web service. The
wide array of information, services and
products provided by BCGS supports
effective mineral exploration, sound
land use management and responsible
governance thus informing decisions that
balance the economy, the environment
and community interests. The survey
is the oldest scientific organization in
British Columbia, having celebrated
125 years of public service in 2020.
BCGS plans for the 2020 field
season were drastically changed by the
pandemic; the "lockdown" starting in
March coincided with the normal period
of fieldwork planning. Following an initial
decision to suspend multi-year mapping
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