Mineral Exploration is the official publication of the Association of Mineral Exploration British Columbia.
Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1319479
W inte r 2020 13 T he year 2020 will be remembered for the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the pandemic, exploration activity in British Columbia rebounded following initial disruptions. Likely stimulated by the pandemic, a significant increase in the price of gold and, to a lesser extent, copper spurred financing and exploration for precious metal and Cu-Au projects in the province. At the time of writing, Regional Geologists of the Mineral Development Office in the British Columbia Geological Survey (Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources) had not yet completed the annual exploration expenditure survey. British Columbia may have avoided the global trend of declining expenditures and activity due to the resourcefulness of B.C. mineral explorers and the innate mineral endowment of the province, coupled with the provincial government's declaring exploration and mining as essential services. Reports of new discoveries and significant results continue to date, supporting British Columbia's reputation as a premier jurisdiction for mineral exploration and mine development opportunities. Activation Laboratories Ltd. (Actlabs) Leaders in Quality, Innovation and Service Full Assay Laboratory in Kamloops, BC Accredited to ISO17025 Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Environmental, Geochronology and On-site services are also available. For further information or quote request, please contact: kamloops@actlabs.com or 250-573-4484 Actlabs.indd 1 2019-11-07