
February 2018

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@mccallumsather | 905.526.6700 | With a relentless focus on achieving our clients' goals, our rm's vision is to improve the world by creating remarkable environments that evoke trans-formative experiences, like those being shaped within The Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation (with B+H), pictured here. These impactful designs come to life by implementing a trusted Integrated Design Process. It draws on the strength of our growing architectural, mechanical engineering, and interior design service teams, offering leadership in design, heritage consulting, LEED facilitation and project management. The result is a unique mix of renovation to new construction, small community initiatives to multi-million dollar, one-of-a-kind projects in both the public and private sectors. With a relentless focus on achieving our clients goals, our rm s vision is to improve the world by With a relentless focus on achieving our clients' goals our rm's vision is to improve the world by creating remarkable environments that evoke trans-formative experiences, like those being shaped within The Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation (with B+H), pictured here. These impactful designs come to life by implementing a trusted Integrated Design Process It

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