Real Weddings

Spring/Summer 2014

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72 real weddings SPRing / SUMMER 2014 realdetails 4. 3. 2. 1. see our shopping guide on page 92 for details. YOu'll neeD: For each fan, you'll need • 3 pieces of paper, 5-½ x 8 inches each • 1 wooden Popsicle stick • glue Optional: Decorative paper punch, scissors, bone folder tool Fold each piece of paper evenly, accordion-style lengthwise (with ¾-inch folds), for an 8-inch fan, or crosswise (with 1-inch folds) for a 6-inch fan. Fold the accordion pieces in half. Hint: use a bone folder to make precise creases. Optional: use a paper punch or scissors to make decorative cutouts through each accordion fold. Secure the middle sections of each folded accordion together with glue. Attach the three resulting pie-shaped wedges in the same manner extending the pieces as you go until you have a complete circle. Reinforce with cellophane or double- sided tape, if you wish. Insert a Popsicle stick handle and glue in place. p70-73_DIY-PaperFans.indd 72 14-04-17 12:00 PM

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