BCLiving Magazine

Spring 2014 Your Guide to Getting Buzzed in Vancouver

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The Parlour.indd 1 14-03-07 9:51 AM 8 bcliving.ca | SPRING 2014 Volume 1 Number 3 • SPrING 2014 Tom Gierasimczuk Janine Verreault Catherine mullaly michael Small oliver lam ben oliver Stesha Ho matt Gauthier Alison brierley, Danielle Tsang laurie Carter, Julia Dilworth, Kristen Hilderman, Dr. rhonda low, Terry David mulligan, Joe Wiebe Adam blasberg, Chris Collie, Peter Holst, melissa Knight, m'ckenneth licon, Jenny liu, matthew lytle, Janis Nicolay, Chris Winter, margaret Zhang Kirsty Senior Kristina borys mandy lau Ariane Fleischmann Allison Griffioen, Chris Sherwood Ina bowerbank mandy lau, laura michaels Fern bourque raymond Henderson bobbi Davis, Inga liimatta Janice Cheer, Jas Purewal, melissa Soriano (604) 299-7311 Fax (604) 299-9188 Peter legge o.b.c., ll.d (hon) Samantha legge mba Kathleen Freimond Karen Hounjet Farnaz riahi, ca Tom Gierasimczuk Holly Pateman rebecca legge (on leave) rick Thibert Scott Wheatley mike Packer Kim mclane raymond Yip mike roberts Piushi Ariyawansa, Ariane Fleischmann, Debbie Jiang, James marshall, Candice ui Kathleen Almeida, Casey Crawford, Joanne Da Silva (on leave), Allyson Wickham brian Fakhraie eileen Gajowski Joy Ginete-Cockle rita French, eileen Gajowski, Terri mason, Sonia roxburgh, Jocelyn Snelling Tracy mcritchie Ashley Cleggett, millie Coskun, Kelly Kalirai, ruth Pisko Jackie lee, Heather Vince ellenor mcClelland Member Consumer Magazine Division • P L E A S E R E C Y C L E • BCLiving is published six times per year by Canada Wide media limited – 4th Floor, 4180 lougheed Hwy., burnaby, b.C. V5C 6A7. Phone 604-299-7311; Fax 604-299-9188. No part of this magazine may be repro duced in any form – print or electronic – without written permission of the publisher. For subscription information call 1-800-663-0518 or 604-299-1023 or email: subscriptions@canadawide.com. Send change of address notices and covers of undeliverable copies to address above. ISSN 2290-3224. Publications mail Agreement No. 40065475. Printed in Canada by Transcontinental Printing. "What is your favourite hangover cure?" PUBLISHER EDITOR CREATIVE DIRECTOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR PRODUCTION EDITOR PHOTOgRAPHy EDITOR ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR VIDEOgRAPHER EDITORIAL INTERNS CONTRIBUTINg WRITERS CONTRIBUTINg PHOTOgRAPHERS/ILLUSTRATORS ProDuCTIoN mANAGer PrINT ProDuCTIoN mANAGer STuDIo ASSISTANT STuDIo mANAGer ProDuCTIoN Co-orDINATor ADVerTISING ProDuCTIoN eleCTroNIC ProDuCTIoN eleCTroNIC ImAGING reTAIl DISPlAY rePreSeNTATIVe GeNerAl SAleS mANAGer ACCouNT mANAGerS SAleS Co-orDINATorS HeAD oFFICe, b.C. CHAIrmAN, Ceo PreSIDeNT SeNIor VICe-PreSIDeNT – CuSTom PublISHING VICe-PreSIDeNT – SAleS VICe-PreSIDeNT – FINANCe VICe-PreSIDeNT – eDITorIAl & buSINeSS DeVeloPmeNT VICe-PreSIDeNT – mArKeTING VICe-PreSIDeNT – SPeCIAlTY SAleS eXeCuTIVe CreATIVe DIreCTor DIreCTor oF CIrCulATIoN DIreCTor oF INFormATIoN TeCHNoloGY DIreCTor oF ProDuCTIoN DIreCTor oF DIGITAl meDIA mANAGING DIreCTor – CuSTom PublISHING DIGITAl meDIA mArKeTING TeCHNICAl SuPPorT ANAlYST APPlICATIoN SuPPorT ANAlYST Hr mANAGer/ SeNIor ACCouNTANT ACCouNTING CIrCulATIoN mANAGer CIrCulATIoN eXeCuTIVe ASSISTANTS reCePTIoN "Fresh air and coconut water. Or I just suck it up and pretend it's not happening." "Sleep, hair-of-the-dog, fruit and something hearty like pizza or a greasy burger." "1.5 litres of water at room temperature with cucumber slices. If that doesn't work, I open a bottle of Pinot Grigio." "An OJ and vanilla soy milk smoothie with a side of Advil." "A fried egg, bacon and mushroom sandwich. Delish!" "Nongshim noodles and fixings are the only cure you'll need." "A warm beer in the shower." "Lots of Advil, water and sleep." "Drink lots of water and promise myself not to touch another drink. EVER!" p08-09_Masthead.indd 8 2014-03-13 10:56 AM

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