
September 2024 – A Clear Vision

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1524621

Contents of this Issue


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3 B C B U S I N E S S . C A S E P T E M B E R 2 0 24 2 6 : Ta n y a G o e h r i n g ; 2 2 a n d 5 7: A d a m B l a s b e r g ; 51: A n i t a B o n n a r e n s / Va n c o u v e r A r t G all e r y CONTENTS 26 Leadership In our special feature on mentor-mentee relationships in B.C., we look at six examples of ways mentors and mentees work together, how they learn from each other and what the impact of that leadership looks like in different settings BY NATHAN CADDELL AND RUSHMILA RAHMAN 22 How Do You Mend a Broken Heart? There's an Algorithm for That AI skeptics could have a change of heart after witnessing what it can do in health care, from clearer diagnoses to shorter waiting times BY RICHARD LITTLEMORE 51 It's Giving Times are tough: in recent years, fewer Canadians have been donating to charities. But post-COVID philanthropy is still helping the B.C. economy navigate uncertainty—flip through to see how generosity is bridging gaps in real estate, environmental conservation and the arts BY RUSHMILA RAHMAN C H A T T E R 6 EDITOR'S DESK Leading by example T H E I N B O X 9 LIFESTYLE Can MEC's long and winding history in outdoor retail help it fare better in today's competitive climate? 12 BUSINESS CLIMATE B.C. salmon are under threat, and while some experts are unsure about the sustainability of our fish industry, others have reasons to stay positive 12 GO FIGURE According to our audit, charitable giving has had its fair share of ups and downs in our province 15 SMALL TOWN SUCCESS Little Qualicum Cheeseworks, a 90-acre milk and cheese farm on Vancouver Island, is growing big with new owners 16 THE CONVERSATION A veteran of the cryptocurrency industry, Hive Technologies CEO Aydin Kilic is betting big on AI 18 LAND VALUES Josh White, Vancouver's new city planner from Calgary, is starting to settle in amidst a burgeoning housing crisis and major transit developments Q U A L I T Y T I M E 57 WEEKEND WARRIOR Distillery owner Celia Chiang spends her days scaling heights in B.C. and beyond 58 SOCIAL CUES How Brewery and the Beast gasses up its online followers with juicy collabs and giveaways 60 PACK LUNCH A protein-packed farro and chickpea recipe to fuel you up for long workdays 62 INVENTORY Six local indie bookstores to lose yourself in 64 CARRY ON Check out these luxury travel services for your next trip: personal concierge assistance, exclusive lounge amenities and special in-flight dining 66 WORST DAY ON THE JOB When Perry Lam first opened menswear boutique Private & Co. in Vancouver's Gastown, he struck a sweet deal with the landlord. But then the rent went up and he was forced to move out V O L U M E 5 2 N U M B E R 8 51 F E A T U R E S 26 22 "She came out of it paid and not having debt—just the debt of her time, energy, blood, sweat and tears, that's all... She gave a piece of her soul. It seemed like a good exchange." p.26

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