22 Mineral Exploration | amebc.ca
attention on impact investing as desired
by many women." Women and young
investors are using their values to direct
their investment dollars into companies
and industries that demonstrate
environmental and social performance
and good governance.
While it is clear to those within the
industry that great strides have been taken
to make the exploration and mining life
cycle more socially and environmentally
responsible, to the uninitiated, the terms
"mining" and "responsible" make strange
bedfellows. There is still an outdated vision
of a dirty and irresponsible industry that is
hard to shake.
"We're going to have to speak up to get
included in the portfolios," says Preston.
For exploration and mining companies
to be included in responsible investment
portfolios, the industry is going to have to
become more transparent, actively work
to break down these assumptions and
have difficult conversations with people
about how the industry works and why it
is necessary.
"The industry still shies away from
defending itself," says Preston. "If you do
want to encourage younger investors,
younger generations are increasingly
motivated by the environmental impact
and, as an industry, we need to be willing
to take that on."
Sonic, Mud and Air Rotary Drill Rigs
Instrumentaaon Installaaons
Soil and Groundwater Invesagaaons
Water Wells, Monitoring Wells
Anchor, Piling and Grouang Services
Geotechnical Drilling Soluaons
Klohn.indd 1 2019-01-14 11:47 AM