Spring 2018

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/944769

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Getty Images SPRING 2018 BCA A .COM 25 AUTOMOTIVE *Name changed RIDING HIGH In BC, cannabis isn't a new thing to us – but it's also something that's about to change in a big way. Jeremy*, a 33-year-old carpenter from Salt Spring Island, has smoked weed pretty much every day since the age of 15. He doesn't worry about "having a puff" and driving. "I've smoked pot for a long time, so I don't feel it necessarily affects me a lot. Like, I can smoke a joint and go for a drive and it doesn't bother me at all," he says. "I've never really felt like I was at the point that I wouldn't be able to drive." He pauses. "But whether I should be driving or not? I don't know, maybe that's a different question."

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