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Available to most
BCAA Home Insurance
customers with
DrainGuard, flood
coverage provides
protection for damage
to your home from
the breaking out or
overflow of fresh water,
or accumulation of
surface water from
rainfall or melting snow.
BCAA Members save
up to ••• on Home
Insurance and enjoy
exclusive benefits,
like a -••• deductible,
one-claim forgiveness
and access to premier
packages, which offer
enhanced coverage.
Flood Insurance tips
Flood Insurance can be the difference
between a speedy recovery from water
damage and a costly repair bill. Take these
steps to make certain you're covered:
When buying a home, consider flood
risks and insurability. The property's
location and proximity to bodies of water,
large or small, could render Flood Insurance
costly – or in some cases unavailable. Before
you buy, find out if there have been any issues
with flooding in the past, and check with
your insurer about the possibility and price
of coverage.
Even small bodies of water can
raise the risk of flooding. It's often the
ones you wouldn't expect, such as small
creeks, that pose the biggest flood risk.
Suddenly, that idyllic babbling brook in the
backyard, or that nearby pond, may not seem
so charming.
Read, read, read your policy's fine print.
Many Home Insurance policyholders assume
they are automatically covered for all types of
water damage. In reality, overland flooding is
usually not included by default, and you have
to purchase a separate policy – as in the case
BCAA's DrainGuard.