salmon Steward magazine 31
citiZen Science GetS a BooSt
One of the most successful offshoots of the Salish Sea Marine
Survival Project has been the Citizen Science Program. The
innovative initiative outfits and trains volunteers with their own
boats to conduct ocean research for the Salish Sea Marine Survival
Project. It's enabled an unprecedented amount of data to be
collected at a fraction of the cost of traditional research vessels
(see p.14 for more). This year, the Program will benefit from a
$50,000 donation from Vancouver international airport (yVr).
calGary contriButionS
British Columbia's salmon resource is treasured by anglers
from around the world, including our neighbours to the east.
For the last several years, Calgary resident and Pacific Salmon
Foundation board member Kevin Nugent has helped build a
donor base for the Foundation in Calgary, where citizens can
support the Foundation through a fundraising event, and at
naden lodge. Located on the northern end of Haida Gwaii,
Naden Lodge is owned by several partners primarily from
Calgary, who have given almost $60,000 in cumulative funds
via trips for Foundation events and the Recreational Fishing
Conservation Contribution lodge program.
Ryan Frederickson, Nicole Frederickson and their furry first mate Hunter
Frederickson operate the Qualicum citizen science route.
Rene Amirault, a Calgary resident, Foundation donor and partner at
Naden Lodge.