Salmon Steward

Spring 2017

Salmon Steward is the official publication of the Pacific Salmon Foundation in British Columbia, Canada

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Coho in the Strait of Georgia was up to 40 and 47 per cent respectively. But these estimates seemed very high to our Science Team, so we initiated a new 2016 program to broaden diet studies throughout the Strait. Now, a recent report from Puget Sound states a very similar impact from seal predation. These estimates were indepen- dently determined, adding strength to their validity. The American study also equated this mortality in juvenile salmon to the total weight of Chinook salmon consumed by the Southern Resident Orcas in one year. This is an increasingly complex web we are weaving! salmon Steward magazine 13 Top: An outfitted seal wears the beanie and backpack used to determine how many juvenile salmon seals have been eating. Left: Nathan Furey and Steve Healey, researchers for the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project, model acoustic receivers used to track fish. YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS

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