Salmon Steward

Spring 2017

Salmon Steward is the official publication of the Pacific Salmon Foundation in British Columbia, Canada

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salmon Steward magazine 15 photo: istock Who cares about salmon? T he Pacific Salmon Foundation is commemorating 30 years of stewardship in 2017, and it's on these kinds of occasions that our annual "Who Cares About Salmon?" feature feels particularly important. Because if there's one thing that's been made clear over these past three decades, it's that a whole lot of British Columbians care about the welfare of salmon, and the many species and ecosystems that rely upon them. Any successes we've had, any milestones we've hit, can be traced to the partners, donors and volunteers who give so generously of their time and resources to support research, restoration and enhancement; for that reason, we're excited to provide a space for them to share what first sparked their passion for conservation, as well as their thoughts on what needs to happen to ensure this keystone species survives and thrives for generations to come. From government ministers to community volunteers, young scientists to veteran sports anglers, here are just a few of the people raising their voices for salmon. Eight PEoPlE from across B.c. rEflEct on thEir PErsonal Paths to stEWardshiP YEars YE YE YE YE YE YE YE YEars ars ars ars ars ars ars ars ars ars ars

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