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52 | J UNE 2016 Waterproofing something builders could only have only dreamed about just a few decades ago. The reason for this is simple: whether it is below-grade waterproofing, decora- tive coatings, or deck coatings, systems failure can cause huge liability problems for developers, which in turn causes them to single out the systems provider for compensation. But product is only one part of the waterproofing equation. Many devel- opers require their construction teams to be skilled in several key disciplines, for the sake of staying on budget and ensuring that the building process is as transparent as possible. Securing the services of a multi-discipline company also contributes to quality control. To this point, the Structural Group has for over 50 years provided expertise to the concrete sector with a full range of con- crete services. But in recognition of evolving mar- kets, the Structural Group has diver- sified significantly, and its roofing division, which mainly ser ves the Greater Toronto region but is not limited to this geographical area, can accom- modate all waterproofing requests and ensure integrity of design and final product by working with the general contractors and owners through all phases of a project. Finally, Bruce Duncan, international sales manager for Hydrotech Membrane Corporation, says 2016 is proving to be the year in which old but proven tech- nology is being rediscovered – primarily because so many of the newer systems aren't as resilient. "We at Hydrotech were the original hot rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane and we are in more demand than ever today," he says. "We've seen systems like spray-ons and PVC sheet membranes used in many important projects, but now there's a renaissance of hot applied membrane work, and we couldn't be happier." A huge array of projects including the Vancouver Public Library have benefit- ted from Hydrotech systems, such as its Garden Roof assembly that combines the proven performance of Monolithic Membrane 6125 roofing/waterproof- ing with proven green technolog y. Monolithic Membrane 6125 is a thick, tough, flexible, self-healing membrane comprised of a special formulation of refined asphalts and synthetic rubbers. It has been used in over 60 countries worldwide by leading architects, engi- neers and owners on all types of hori- zontal and vertical structure, including plazas, parking decks, planters, tunnels, bridges, mud slabs, foundation walls and roof areas. A Eucon Vandex AM-10 thrown into the mix on the 47-storey MThree project. Garden Roof assembly at the Vancouver Public Library. PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY EUCLID ADMIXTURES; HYDROTECH MEMBRANE CORPORATION