
August 2015

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AUGUST 2015 | 71 "At the major entries and the eleva- tion along Gabriola Road, we have also employed areas of copper coloured Alucobond panels to co-ordinate and add balance into the whole composi- tion," says Kensick. Bob Landell from Avalon Mechanical acted as commissioning authority for all CARSA's systems, overseeing qual- ity assurance by design reviews, site reviews, witnessing of tests, review of documentation and co-ordination dur- ing resolution of construction issues. He says the features that contributed most to the building's sustainability were low energy consumption, achieved with a low heat-loss envelope, the geo- thermal and lighting systems, and high-performance digital controls. Low water use and re-use of treated waste- water were also contributing factors. The project strived for a healthy envi- ronment by focussing on the air-quality and creating a connection with the out- doors. It also addressed a progressive recycling strategy. "Construction and post-occupancy recycling, use of local building materials with high recycled content and low emissions, and native plants in landscaping were addressed by the architect and Campbell Construction," he says. "To reduce ozone depletion, no HVAC equipment will contain any CFC or HCFCs. There is also the protection of the night sky from light pollution." A key challenge for the design and building team involved adding a �ive- storey parkade with one-storey sub- grade near the end of the project. "That was all done out of precast, but because the site was so tight it delayed �inishing the east side of the gym," says Kensick. "We had to build the parkade �irst and then complete the gym up against it. It was an arduous process and there was a lot to work out the little �inishes and get everything just right, but in the end it turned out spectacular," adds Kensick. Cannon Design has also been emp- loyed to complete a graphics package for CARSA, which has enlivened the interior with themed mural-size graphics. "In the bigger picture, Cannon Design has been involved with many complex sports projects, has always taken an integrated approach to promote physical activity and encouraged participation with a welcoming facility as a precursor to a healthy lifestyle," says Kensick. "We are thrilled to open the doors to this wonderful new facility that com- bines our athletic, recreation, �itness and CanAssist programs under one roof," says Jim Dunsdon, associate VP Student Affairs for UVic. "CARSA is all that we imagined." A Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA) – University of Victoria

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