
August 2015

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size of the family dog. But instead of re�inishing grandma's three-inch oak �loor to look as good as new, today's designers can be incorporating an entirely new style, width or even colour palette, on a budget that is usually still lower cost than re�in- ishing," says Sask. In 2015, TRC Distribution continues to see growing demand for wider, tex- tured wood �loors. To address this trend, the company offers two designs from the Appalachian Flooring Collection – Haute Couture and Era Design. "These are two examples of design engineered products," says Terry O'Neil, managing partner. "The Haute Couture products are available in both solid and engineered pro�iles and each variety is available in several widths and grades. The Era Design features an innovative oil process that preserves and protects the rich appearance of the wood without hiding it beneath an arti�icial layer. The penetrating oil �inishes continue to increase for both site �inished and pre�inished �loors." On an environmental note, consumers, designers and speci�iers are increasingly sensitive to choosing products produced with responsibly sourced lumber and form- aldehyde levels that meet the strict California Air Resources Board (CARB) require- ments. "This awareness was heightened with recent accusations that a large American �looring retailer was importing laminate �looring and engineered wood �looring from China that did not meet CARB requirements," says O'Neil. "Appalachian's engineered �looring products are in full compliance with Phase 2 of CARB 93120 certi�ication and that is consistent with TRC Distribution's position." When it comes to adhesives, Bostik Inc. offers a cutting-edge innovation with the Axios Tri-Linking Polymer Technology. "Bostik has a long history of creating trans- formative innovation," says Mike Jenkins, business director, consumer and con- struction business unit. "Over two decades ago, we launched Bostik's Best, which changed the industry and remains the top-selling hardwood �looring adhesive of all time. Now, Bostik's global Axios technology, the next wave of innovation, continues our industry-leading position of offering Smart Solutions that make installers as productive and pro�itable as possible." In addition to having superior bonding, moisture protection and sound reduc- tion performance, Axios Tri-Linking Polymer Technology is also easy-to-clean from pre�inished hardwood �looring both before and after curing. It can be cleaned with a simple plastic scraper and buffed with a dry cloth. The two product formulations of Axios Tri-Linking Polymer Technology engi- neered for hardwood �looring installations include: Ultra-Set SingleStep2 – a high- performance adhesive, moisture control and sound reduction membrane all-in-one ensuring proper membrane thickness between hardwood �looring and substrate; and GreenForce, which delivers the superior bonding, unlimited moisture vapour protection and ease of cleaning (before and after curing) offered by Axios technol- ogy. GreenForce is ideal for jobs where sound reduction and membrane thickness control aren't primary considerations. Mapei offers a broad selection of wood �looring adhesives to �inish any installa- tion. "The products that do not have moisture limits, indemonstrable ECO 995 and Ultrabond ECO 985, are the best choices for sub�loor preparation moisture-resis- tant patches and self-levellers," says Jeff Johnson, business marketing manager. "Alternately, the Mapecem Quickpatch concrete patch and Ultraplan Extreme self- leveller answer the challenge, unaffected by sub�loor moisture vapour that may cause traditional preparation products to fail." He adds no-limits adhesives can be applied at 100 per cent RH and moisture vapour emission rates of 25 pounds/24 hours. Mapecem Quickpatch is rated for exterior application and is unaffected by high- moisture conditions, where normal cement-based patching compounds are not as stable. Ultraplan Extreme has no moisture vapour emission rate limitations and can be installed without MVER testing on properly prepared concrete substrates. It is the self-levelling compound of choice for use under moisture-controlling adhesive systems and epoxy moisture barriers. A GreenForce adhesive from Bostik Inc.; Ultraplan Extreme self-levelling compound from Mapei Inc. AUGUST 2015 | 33 Hardwood Flooring

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