five ways you can become a part
of the pacific salmon foundation's
research and restoration efforts
in the GeorGia strait
3. purchase sTylish foundaTion gear
Men's and Women's T-shirts [Black]: $30 including
tax and shipping. Sizes: S,M,L, XL,XXL.
Dry Bag: $40 including tax and shipping.
Drink Cozy: $10 including tax and shipping.
Floating Key Chain: $7 including tax and shipping.
Purchase gear and visit our online store at for
more items including fleeces, artwork and ball caps.
4. make a Tax-deducTible conTribuTion
Donate a minimum of $100 and you will receive a
personalized certificate, a Sustaining Donor lapel
pin and a salmon decal for your car or boat. You can
donate online at or send a cheque to:
Pacific Salmon Foundation,
Development Office
300-1682 West 7th Ave,
Vancouver, B.C. V6J 4S6
5. TexT a donaTion
text salmon to 45678 to make a $10 tax-
deductible donation to the pacific salmon foundation.
Donate to
Bring Back
the Strait!
1. donaTe shares
Talk to your financial adviser to learn how you
can donate shares of a publicly traded company.
Alternatively call the Foundation at 604.664.7664 for
2. beQueaTh a donaTion
Consider including the Pacific Salmon Foundation
when doing estate planning. You can donate a life
insurance policy in the Foundation's name, establish
a memorial fund, or give a gift of property or other