
October 2014

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Natural • Beautiful • reNewaBle • SuStaiNaBle • COSt-effeCtiVe • faSter tO BuilD • lOwer eNVirONmeNtal impaCt Bigger. Taller. Faster. A new generation of wood building products and systems has come of age. Laminated Strand Lumber Panels Glulam Columns and Beams Cross Laminated Timber Panels Glulam-On-Edge Panels 1 877 929 9663 Designers in BC and around the world have embraced engineered wood products and systems in new and innovative applications. With growing pressure to reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment, designers are increasingly being called upon to balance functionality and cost objectives with a reduced environmental impact. They are turning to engineered wood products and systems to help achieve that balance. The result: significant benefits in terms of structural performance, scale possibilities, and construction efficiency. Call Wood WORKS! BC today to learn how wood can enhance your next project. EarTh SciEncES Building parc riviEra (mid riSE conSTrucTion) wood innovaTion and dESign cEnTrE BioEnErgy rESEarch and dEmonSTraTion FaciliTy ElkFord communiTy conFErEncE cEnTrE uBco FiTnESS and wEllnESS cEnTrE cEnTrE For inTEracTivE rESEarch on SuSTainaBiliTy norTh vancouvEr civic cEnTrE rEnovaTion SurrEy mEmorial hoSpiTal 21 st Century Wood Design, Building and Construction Solutions A primer for contractors and builders EArth SCiEnCES BuilDing PArC riviErA (MiD-riSE COnStruCtiOn) WOOD innOvAtiOn AnD DESign CEntrE BiOEnErgy rESEArCh AnD DEMOnStrAtiOn FACility ElkFOrD COMMunity COnFErEnCE CEntrE uBCO FitnESS AnD WEllnESS CEntrE CEntrE FOr intErACtivE rESEArCh On SuStAinABility nOrth vAnCOuvEr CiviC CEntrE rEnOvAtiOn SurrEy MEMOriAl hOSPitAl A new generation of wood building products, systems and techniques has come of age, making bigger, taller and more complex wood buildings possible. 21st Century Wood Design, Building and Construction Solutions - A primer for contractors and builders. This comprehensive yet concise publication provides an overview of a new generation of wood building products, systems and techniques which are making bigger, taller and more complex wood buildings possible. This BC publication showcases where innovative wood products have been used in recent projects in BC and answers common questions. For your free copy, please visit: JUST RELEASED! Program MGA

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