
October 2024 – Return of the Jedi?

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1526186

Contents of this Issue


Page 29 of 131

30 B C B U S I N E S S . C A O C T O B E R 2 0 24 P O L I T I C S A Force to Be Reckoned With As Brenda Bailey, provincial minister of jobs, economic development and innovation, prepares for the electoral battle of her life, she reflects on a past of personal and business heartbreak and stresses the importance of getting back up b y N A T H A N C A D D E L L p o r t r a i t b y L A U R A B A L D W I N S O N

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