
October 2024 – Return of the Jedi?

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

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16 One of the main priorities when I got into the role was that we needed to develop a new five-year strategic plan—ours had expired. We met with so many members and organizations and heard directly what our members needed. We developed five priorities: create a safer downtown, pro- vide reasons for people to come down- town, reduce barriers to doing business downtown, strengthen relationships with stakeholders and champion a thriving Granville Street. Those are the five areas that we're now focusing on. For a variety of reasons, people's opinions of Vancouver's downtown area right now aren't the rosiest. How do you go about fixing that? I'm going to answer this in two ways. The most visible answer is our downtown safety ambassadors. We have boots on the ground from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week, 363 days a year. We offer programs through the ambassadors, like our SafeWalk service if anyone is feeling uneasy and would like to be walked safely to their car. They also serve as eyes and ears for the community and for the Vancouver Police Department . And our clean team is out from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day providing a presence. Cleanliness is a big part of the perception of downtown. And then, last summer, as a result of escalating concerns in the downtown core around safety, we convened a group of lo- cal business leaders to discuss the issue. That group has turned into the Downtown Safety Task Force. We met with attorney B C B U S I N E S S . C A O C T O B E R 2 0 24 Jane Talbot has been the CEO of Downtown Vancouver's business improvement association for about a year and a half. In total, she's been with the organization for over seven years. Downtown Van, as it's called, is the largest BIA in Western Canada, with some 40 employees. We met at her office to talk about the challenges the area is facing and what she hopes to accomplish by Nathan Caddell You've officially been CEO for about a year and a half. What are some things the BIA has done over that time that you're especially proud of?

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