
September 2024

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by GIOVANNA BONIFACE Chief Commercial Officer, RAIC S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4 | 5 PERSPEC TIVE SEPTEMBER 2024 VOLUME 38 | NUMBER 3 PUBLISHER Dan Chapman 604.473.0316 EDITOR Natalie Bruckner SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Scott Laurie CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Robin Brunet Laurie Jones Jessica Kirby SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES 604.299.2116 1.800.663.0518 CEO & GROUP PUBLISHER Ryan Benn GROUP VP, PUBLISHING & OPERATIONS Nina Wagner GROUP VP, FINANCE Conroy Ing, cpa, cma VP OF FINANCE Sonia Roxburgh, cpa, cga GROUP VP, EDUCATION & ADMINISTRATION Jane Griffiths VP OF SALES Anna Lee GROUP DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Devin Steinberg DIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION Tracy McRitchie ACCOUNTING Eileen Gajowski Terri Mason CIRCULATION Kelly Kalirai AD TECHNICIAN Kim McLane MANAGER, HR & ADMINISTRATION Ava Pashmchi EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hanna Dewar Award magazine is published four times a year by Canada Wide Media Limited. Head of fice: 130, 4321 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, BC V5C 6S7. Phone 604.299.7311, Fax 604.299.9188. Send covers of undeliverable copies to address above. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40065475. © 2024. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Award is distributed to architects, interior designers, landscape architects, consulting engineers, specification writers, development companies and major construction companies throughout Western Canada and Ontario. For subscription information call 604.299.2116 or email: subscriptions@ National Library No. ISSN 1202-5925. Printed in Canada by Mitchell Press. Award magazine welcomes your letters, corporate announcements or company information. The statements, opinions and points of view expressed in articles published in this magazine are those of the authors and publication shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of the publisher, editor or Canada Wide Media Limited. The acceptance and publication of advertisement of products and services does not indicate endorsement of such products or services. The publishers cannot be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. A ssessing embodied carbon impacts throughout a building's life cycle is a necessary step in a shift towards regenerative and lower carbon design. The Canadian built environment is the third-highest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and there is an urgent and critical need to accelerate the knowledge, skills, and competencies of professionals who design Canada's buildings. To address this need, the RAIC is partnering with the National Research Council of Canada in a one-year rapid-deployment project to train members of the Canadian architectural community through a high-quality, hands-on case study-based Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) curriculum. Whole building LCA provides an estimate of the total GHG emissions associated with a building. This includes emissions due to operations and defined as the emissions associated with the extraction, manufacturing, transport, installation, replacement, and the end of service life for products and materials used in a building, which constitute a significant proportion of a building's whole life carbon emissions. The RAIC is proud to collaborate with Ha/f Climate Design to organize the in-person workshops, followed by an online option, on LCA sessions for practicing industry professionals. Following a theory-based lecture on LCA, embod- ied carbon, and related methodologies, participants will engage in a hands-on workshop, learning the basics of how to perform an assessment in small group. The workshops will be held between September 2024 and May 2025 in various locations across Canada including Ottawa, Toronto, Saint Andrews, Winnipeg, Regina, Vancouver, Calgary, Halifax, and Montreal. "As architects, it is our responsibility to build and design with environmental leadership as an underpinning value and principle. Focused on our purpose to create a better world for all, this partnership with the National Research Council of Canada is one step in the right direction for the building sector to decarbonize at rapid scale and to acceler- ate the pace of climate action needed for Canada to achieve its 2030 and 2050 targets," states Jason Robbins, FRAIC, past president of the RAIC. This workshop, hosted by the RAIC and available to the larger community, is designed for architectural profession- als (licensed architects, interns, technologists, students) who want to learn about LCA and how to reduce embodied carbon in real-life projects. Participants will leave the session with knowledge of definitions, methods, targets, and standards, as well as having the opportunity to practice with LCA software to implement into practice. Visit to learn more. RAIC Launches Life Cycle Assessment Training Workshops

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