
September 2024

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4 | 45 Masonry P H OTO G R A P H Y CO U RT E S Y A R R I S C R A F T; S TO N E A RC H P H OTO G R A P H BY RO U N D T H R EE P H OTO G R A P H Y/CO U RT E S Y T H E B EL D EN B R I C K CO M PA N Y Zonneveld goes on to point out that, "Arriscraft brick is not clay brick, it's calcium silicate – the same material as our other manufactured stone prod- ucts. It is completely natural, made with only sand and lime, with colour pigments added. This unique material can be split/finished on site as needed. It also features a fine-grain texture that is distinct from clay brick." Arriscraft calcium silicate brick lasts for generations and will stand up in any busy commercial setting. Peter Thiessen, principal, director of marketing at Masonal Stone Inc. of Milverton, Ontario, expands on the discussion of the dark/light trend in the com- mercial and residential sectors. "In terms of texture, the tumbled appearance is very much in favour, pri- marily for residential projects, as tumbled products impart a rounder, weathered look," he says, adding that his company recently supplied $500,000 worth of stone – including lighter, tumbled products – for a $30-million private residence project in his province. Thiessen goes on to remark, "As for colour, yes, black and white patterns are huge, and you see evi- dence of this throughout the Greater Toronto Area, to the point that I'm confident the demand will endure throughout 2025 and beyond." Masonal Stone is uniquely positioned to live up to its reputation for providing the largest selection of thin stone veneers and full bed building stones quarried in Canada. "Here in Ontario, we have access to the most diverse geological species of stone in the world," Thiessen explains. "We buy blocks from no less than 55 quarries across the province, and not only does this give us great versatility, it also allows us to capitalize on trends as they emerge." The Masonal Stone catalogue is huge and includes glacier marble, ledgestone, rubble, gran- ite, rustic natural bed, stone panels, custom stone, and landscape products. Within the stone panels/ tiles category, Masonal offers a wide range of styles ranging from Mountain Mist and London panels to Dover and Sheridan panels. "We have a variety of boulders perfectly suited to make stone panels for virtually any residential project in many colours," Thiessen says. "This is the process by which homes or commercial projects can be built on a genuine solid stone foundation." The best masonry suppliers augment their inven- tory with information about emerging trends and how associated products can be leveraged for maxi- mum impact, and a good example is Stonearch, the largest natural stone wholesale supplier in North America. Recently, the company discussed gabion stone, commonly seen along riverbanks and moun- tainsides, which is gaining popularity for use in everything from building pillars to creative walls: "Other common uses include mass retaining walls, terrace walls, channel linings, dam protection, and architectural applications." Stonearch Stone Grid gabions are ideal for artis- tic accent walls and even water feature surrounds (however, Stonearch warns that gabions can be bulky and may not fit well in small spaces, plus the gaps in filler can attract insects): "Consider cre- ative applications such as back-lit gabions filled with coloured glass, walls filled with shells and shelves for plants or lanterns, capped seating walls, bases for planters and outdoor furniture, fireplace sur- rounds, and water features." In a similar vein, Nawkaw, which provides archi- tectural finishes "inspired by art and nature," imparts advice on transforming spaces with black concrete stain: "A little goes a long way – and that is especially true when using something as visually striking as black concrete stain – but this trans- formation requires more than just a can of paint. Concrete staining is a specialized process that offers long-lasting and visually stunning results." Nawkaw explains why painting concrete (or brick) should be avoided (paint can trap moisture within the surface and lead to issues like peel- ing, flaking, and even cracking) and recommends staining because it "penetrates the surface of con- crete rather than covering it," with acid-based stain being the product of choice for floors and acrylic or mineral stain better suited for walls and facades. Meanwhile, Bradley Belden, president of Ohio's The Belden Brick Company (which distributes its products extensively throughout the U.S. and Canada) reports that with regards to catering to the commercial sec- tor, "Projects are still on the go and our pipeline is full, and despite rampant inflation that has affected industry so significantly this past year, all eco- nomic indicators moving forward seem positive." In terms of new products, Belden credits distrib- utors in Quebec and Ontario for fuelling demand for his company's Winter Mist Sanded Rustic brick. "They pretty much inspired the product based on archi- tectural input, and sales have grown enormously since the line was introduced in 2022," he says. In April 2024, Belden expanded its sought- after Sanded Rustic style with the introduction of two proprietary colours, Dusty Gray and Rustic Gray. Created to meet the growing demand for natural, neutral tones in architectural design, these additions are intended to effort- lessly unite classic and contemporary styles; and an example of their use is 2100 Lombard, a four-storey residence in Philadelphia where the brick contributes to architect Lo Design's strik- ingly modern yet pleasingly tactile ambiance. With a characteristic white sand coating over a grey-bodied brick, Winter Mist's sophisticated hue varies from brick to brick; all three colours under- score The Belden Brick Company's dedication to meeting current design trends and anticipating new ones, and Belden says, "We're still working on other Sanded Rustic colours, to be released in the foresee- able future." Sanded Rustic brick are ideal for projects that call for minimalism or a warm, earthy depth – and give designers a wide range of material choices they need to bring creative projects to life. A Elevation linear thin brick. Stonearch Stone Grid gabions. 2100 Lombard, Philadelphia, PA

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