
September 2024 – A Clear Vision

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1524621

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51 B C B U S I N E S S . C A S E P T E M B E R 2 0 24 i S t o c k /c al v i n d e x t e r Generosity in B.C. is showing signs of recovery: in the years after COVID, philanthropy is helping communities address unmet needs across several industries. by RU S HMIL A R A HM A N The Vancouver Chinatown Foundation's latest community housing project came to life with a little help from its friends—including $10 million from philanthropists Robert H. Lee and Michael Audain. Welcome to Bob & Michael's Place THE LIST OF PEOPLE who played a role in making Bob & Michael's Place a reality is so extraordinarily long that Carol Lee can hardly begin to name names. "It's kind of a miracle we got it done," says the chair of the Vancouver Chinatown Foundation. The daughter of the late Robert Lee—the philanthropist, real estate entrepreneur and former chancellor of UBC—has business in her blood. The younger Lee co-founded cosmetics company Linacare Cosmether- apy with Henry Fung in 2002 before mov- ing on to incorporate VCF a decade later. Chinatown, one of Vancouver's oldest neighbourhoods, was "on the downhill slide," she says. In trying to figure out how to revitalize a place where some of her best childhood memories inextricably reside, Lee had her first meeting for a social hous- ing project at 58 West Hastings Street back in 2011. "[The site] is not technically in China- town, but because we're the VCF for com- munity revitalization, we thought, 'We need to help our neighbour first.' It was going to be hard to help revitalize China- town if our neighbour was also struggling.

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