
September 2024 – A Clear Vision

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1524621

Contents of this Issue


Page 37 of 67

Plan your gi today by contac ng the KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA, BC & YUKON BRANCH rylee.elfert@kidney.ca | 1.236.688.1097 or visit: kidney.ca/planned-giving With a gi in your will to The Kidney Founda on, you're crea ng a legacy of hope Make a Meaningful Gi with Las ng Impact ONE IN 10 CANADIANS HAVE KIDNEY DISEASE; THAT'S FOUR MILLION PEOPLE. THE LEADING CAUSE OF KIDNEY FAILURE IS DIABETES AT 38%. 45% OF NEW PATIENTS ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 65. MORE THAN 53,000 CANADIANS ARE BEING TREATED FOR KIDNEY FAILURE. SYMPTOMS MAY NOT DEVELOP UNTIL PERMANENT DAMAGE HAS OCURRED. 76% OF CANADIANS WAITING FOR AN ORGAN TRANSPLANT ARE WAITING FOR A KIDNEY. With the help of generous donors, we've led the way in funding kidney research since 1964! The work of kidney researchers has led to so many incredible advancements, like: • Developing and improving of dialysis treatment, so kidney pa ents can dialyse at home • Breakthroughs in life-saving organ transplanta on • Be er predic on and preven on of kidney disease Bequest gi s have been vital to that research – and will be key to even more discoveries in the years to come. Your legacy gi will also empower kidney pa ents through educa on increased awareness about kidney disease.

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