
July/August 2024 – The Top 100

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1523048

Contents of this Issue


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76 To p a n d i n s e t : V i n s d u B e a uj o l ai s / E t i e n n e R a m o u s s e B C B U S I N E S S . C A J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 24 FORECASTING If you bought Apple stock in 2013, it doesn't matter if you paid too much in the context at that moment, given how much the stock later increased. The same goes for wine. Even buying Burgundy 10 years ago at our inflated prices has turned out to be a won- derful investment given its steep, Apple- esque price increase. So, what's the new Burgundy? The easy answer is... Burgundy. There's very little land, they're not making any more of it and demand continues to grow, so you won't likely go wrong buying a bottle of Grand Cru even if it is $300. But a more daring choice is Burgundy's south- ern neighbour, Beaujolais. No, not the light- weight stuff known as Nouveau, but wine from one of Beaujolais' 10 delineated crus, where they make their finest wine. The best of them can age much like Burgundy but at a fraction of the price. Look for the wines from the regions of Moulin à Vent, Morgon PLANTING SEEDS Fine wine is an investment: play it safe with a $300 bottle of Grand Cru or go for an under-$50 option like the Moulin à Vent from J-P Brun if you're feeling lucky or Brouilly as they have the best name rec- ognition: we don't have particularly good prices on any of them (maybe try the Mou- lin à Vent from J-P Brun at $38) but if they go up even a fraction of the rise their north- ern neighbour has seen, you'll still have a heck of a ride and an under-$50 wine that can age with surprising staying power.

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