
July/August 2024 – The Top 100

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1523048

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The Kidney Founda on of Canada is proud to be a strategic partner with the American Society of Transplanta on (AST) and Canadian Society of Transplanta on (CST) on the Living Donor Circle of Excellence ini a ve. This no-cost program recognizes organiza ons & businesses that have taken one simple but impac ul step to eliminate a very real financial barrier to living organ dona on — adjus ng their HR policy to support living organ donors, who are giving the gi of life, with wage loss incurred during their recovery period. To join, organiza ons simply include in their HR Policy that employees who wish to be a solid organ donor (kidney or liver) are eligible to be compensated for wage loss incurred during their recovery post-surgery at a minimum of 80% for four weeks. For more informa on: www.livingdonorcircle.com/partner/kfoc or contact Ramya Hosak, Director of Development & Strategic Partnerships, Kidney Founda on of Canada at ramya.hosak@kidney.ca. PARTNERS IN LIVING DONATION Living Donor Circle of Excellence A unique corporate recogni on ini a ve breaks down barriers to living organ dona on To date we have over 150,000 employees in BC and 2.5 million employees across North America covered through this groundbreaking ini a ve – have your business join the Circle of Excellence today! A special thank you to BC Business Top 100 company GCT Global Container Terminals for being a part of the Living Donor Circle of Excellence, represen ng over 260 employees and 1600 labour partner members bringing awareness to living organ dona on. "We are incredibly proud to be a part of the Living Donor Circle of Excellence Program, suppor ng those who generously and selflessly support those in need." – Eric Waltz, President & CEO, GCT Global Container Terminals AMBASSADORS FOR THE LIVING DONOR CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE: Real estate developer, philanthropist and COE member, Ryan Beedie (le ); Living kidney donor Skully White (right)

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