
July/August 2024 – The Top 100

With a mission to inform, empower, celebrate and advocate for British Columbia's current and aspiring business leaders, BCBusiness go behind the headlines and bring readers face to face with the key issues and people driving business in B.C.

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8 B C B U S I N E S S . C A J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 24 CONTRIBUTORS While studying zoology at UBC, Calgary-born John Sinal joined the university photography club and has never looked back since. Now a Vancouver-based photographer, Sinal met BC Children's Hospital CEO Malcolm Berry on a mountain biking trail in North Vancouver for "Life Cycle" (p.83). "Malcolm was very patient as I asked him to do the same things many times over... for the action shot," says Sinal. "I can see why he is a good leader for the position he holds." John Kurucz is a freelance journalist based in Vancouver. "I have played hundreds of gigs in Vancouver since the early 2000s and have covered the arts scene for more than a decade," says Kurucz, who is intimately fa- miliar with the obstacles artists face in the city. He features Little Mountain Gallery comedy club's comeback after years of shutdown in "Last Laugh" (p.40). "It's disheartening that the issues we saw before the 2010 Olympics are not only still persisting, but actually getting worse," he says. ON THE COVER "Our Top 100 feature covers what happened last year, but I think this forward- looking image is appropriate as we (hopefully) move past the economic hardships of 2023." — creative director Jenny Reed BCBUSINESS.CA CEO & GROUP PUBLISHER Ryan Benn GROUP VP, PUBLISHING & OPERATIONS Nina Wagner EDITORIAL EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Anicka Quin EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Nathan Caddell (BCBusiness), Stacey McLachlan (Vancouver magazine) MANAGING EDITOR Alyssa Hirose ASSISTANT EDITORS Kerri Donaldson, Rushmila Rahman WINE AND SPIRITS EDITOR Neal McLennan CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Karen Ashbee, Melissa Edwards, Amanda Ross, Julie Van Rosendaal EDITORIAL INTERNS Gates Annai, Alicia Nolasco EMAIL bcb@canadawide.com DESIGN CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jenny Reed ART DIRECTORS Stesha Ho (Vancouver magazine), Edwin Pabellon (BCBusiness) ADVISORY COUNCIL Bridgitte Anderson, Greater Vancouver Board of Trade; TC Carling, Canadian Men's Health Foundation; Victoria Emslie, Nicola Wealth; Jayne Landry, Telus; Carol Liao, UBC Allard School of Law; Matthew McClenaghan, Edgar; Jen Riley, Bosa Properties SALES REPRESENTATION VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES Anna Lee SENIOR MEDIA SPECIALISTS Brianne Harper, Mira Hershcovitch, Amy LaJambe, Sheri Stubel SALES COORDINATOR Rebecca Scutt EMAIL sales@canadawide.com PRODUCTION/ADMINISTRATION GROUP VP, EDUCATION AND ADMINISTRATION Jane Griffiths GROUP DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Devin Steinberg DIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION Tracy McRitchie MANAGER, HR AND ADMINISTRATION Ava Pashmchi EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CEO Hannah Dewar DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER Rebekah Ho PRODUCTION MANAGER/DIGITAL AD COORDINATOR Kim McLane PRODUCTION ASSOCIATE Natasha Jayawardana PRODUCTION SUPPORT TECHNICIAN Ina Bowerbank OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Celine Simpson FINANCE GROUP VP, FINANCE Conroy Ing, cpa, cma VP OF FINANCE Sonia Roxburgh, cpa, cga ACCOUNTING Terri Mason, Eileen Gajowski ADDRESS Suite 130, 4321 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6S7 TEL 604-299-7311 FAX 604-299-9188 WEB bcbusiness.ca EMAIL sales@canadawide.com BCBusiness is published ten times a year by Canada Wide Media Limited, Suite 130, 4321 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6S7. Phone 604-299-7311; Fax 604-299-9188. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form—print or electronic—without written permission of the publisher. For subscription info, call 604-299-1023 or email: bcbsubscriptions@canadawide.com. B.C. residents: to subscribe to BCBusiness for one year, send your name, address, telephone number and a money order or cheque for $28.95 (including tax) to BCBusiness at the address above. Send change of address notices and covers of undeliverable copies to address above. ISSN 0849-481X. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40065475. Printed in Canada.

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