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M A R C H 2 0 2 4 | 13 P H OTO G R A P H Y BY SA M A J I M C A NZI A N /CO U RT E S Y O N E S EED A RC H I T EC T U R E + I N T ER I O R S Residential Windows director of Cascadia Windows & Doors, reports see- ing fewer accordion-style doors lately, likely due to the complex hardware this design requires. "The lift and slide has the benefit of simpler hardware but also larger panel sizes," says Bousfield. "More glass and less solid area is valued more by designers and customers," Bousfield continues. "When there's a view to show off, people want large openings and glazing areas". Zhen Liu, owner of Silex Fiberglass Windows and Doors, agrees. "Customers are focused on maximiz- ing natural lights, more sleek designs, slim window profiles, and larger glass panes," he says. The Lift and Slide door by Innotech Windows and Doors is one example of the oversized door trend. Enthralling designers and homeowners alike, it's a design that provides greater performance than tra- ditional sliding doors and can span widths of more than 20 feet. Available in two, three, or four panels, the doors offer greater flexibility, without compro- mising energy efficiency. "They're ideal to maximize views and natural light while creating large indoor- outdoor spaces," says Jessica Owen, brand champion for Innotech Windows and Doors. These sorts of products create a symbiotic relationship between pri- vate abodes and the great outdoors. And beyond their aesthetic allure, window-doors serve as conduits for natural light and promote improved air circulation. Big windows don't just look nice: they can make inhabitants feel good, too. "We know that natural light has the power to elevate moods, regulate daily rhythms, support our physical health, and more," says Marvin. "Paired with advancements in technology that allow for larger, high-performing windows and doors, there has been a consistent demand for more glass, more views, and more light at home." TECH TALK In addition to the demand for large-scale windows, Marvin notes that homeowners are gravitating toward automation features, particularly on large doors and skylights, making these easy to operate at the push of a button or through a mobile app. "We're seeing an increased desire for smart technology and automation in homes," she says. "I'm excited about how it will evolve in new and exciting ways through- out the next year." Smart-home options like windows that can be open and closed even when a homeowner is away through an app may be popular in 2024. Smart glass is another high-tech option making an impression right now, with products able to adapt to climate conditions to provide insulation and translucency control. Universal Series high-performance fibreglass windows from Cascadia Windows & Doors. Ask us about the Defender 88PH+ XI: the first Passive House Institute (PHI) cold climate certified window system manufactured in North America! E V O LV E I N VA N CO U V E R , B C Pa s s i ve H o u s e M u l t i - Fa m i l y P ro j e c t by ZG F A rc h i te c t s a n d Pe a k Co n s t r u c t i o n . Windows + Doors for Passive House Projects Innotech Windows + Doors is a Canadian manufacturer of high-performance windows and doors. The Defender 88PH+ System combines decades of fenestration knowledge to deliver a robust window and door system that is not only Passive House Institute certified, but that also delivers the air, water and structural performance required for highly sustainable housing developments.