
June 2023

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J U N E 2 0 2 3 | 79 Renew Sinai Phase 3A – Mount Sinai Hospital P H OTO G R A P H Y BY TO M A R BA N /CO U RT E S Y S TA N T EC A RC H I T EC T U R E LT D. Anne Pugh, project manager at EllisDon, says that at peak more than 200 people worked on site, specifi- cally during the development of the new surgical floor and laboratory below that. "That was when COVID hit, which necessitated extra infection control measures in addition to the temporary walls, negative air spaces and other measures we used through- out the project," she adds. Pugh goes on to note that, "Every element required precise planning, including replacing operational elements such as plumbing ris- ers. Plus, we had our fair share of opening up walls and ceilings and finding unexpected components." As of May, Renew Sinai was 90 per- cent complete and would be finished in 2024. "Considering the myriad challenges it's an amazing accom- plishment and right on the heels of the hospital's 100th anniversary," Gowrie says. "Special credit should be given to Darnell Williams, senior direc- tor, Phase 3A Capital Development for keeping everything under control in addition to our operational readi- ness, clinical leadership and teams, our project partners Stantec, EllisDon, and a host of trades for transforming Mount Sinai from the inside out." A of Toronto's waterfront were incorpo- rated into the emergency department, and we incorporated benches along the exterior of the Intensive Care Unit as gathering spaces for families." A link between the surgical suite and medical device reprocessing department was greatly enhanced by the development of a new clean ele- vator that penetrates all floors of the hospital podium. "It took a lot of study and concessions to find a space for the shaft," Hannah says. A new mechanical room was located above the existing emergency driveway, while at the same time the suspended cast-in-place concrete slab supporting it was replaced. To achieve this and not disrupt ambulances, a steel structure support on the existing foundation systems below the drive- way was installed in phases, enabling the new mechanical room to be con- structed above with minimum impact.

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