
March 2023

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Application of EucoRepair SCC from Euclid Admixture Canada. M A R C H 2 0 2 3 | 21 Restoration Products & Services New Afton Mine, which commenced operations in 2011, employs the block- caving method that required New Gold to construct a large network of concrete tunnels and passageways beneath their target ore body. The extraction and hauling activities within that area created an extremely abrasive situation for the concrete infrastructure – especially in the truck turning and dumping areas and rock chutes. By 2014, the original concrete in these areas had already worn out and needed to be replaced (with the expectation that replacement would be required every three years). But the replacement concrete used to remediate these areas contained Kryton's Hard-Cem admixture, and since then the concrete has resisted abra- sion and has not needed to be replaced. As a result, New Gold has been able to skip at least two replacement events and also avoided the process of creating additional concrete with cement, which has allowed the company to reduce its lifetime carbon footprint by 49.5 percent to date. At Euclid Canada, national business development manager Brian Salazar reports that his company continues to improve its various product lines, "includ- ing our self consolidating SCC mixes, which benefits from the inclusion of micro fibres that help reduce shrinkage and corrosion. The substance flows into place with minimal vibration and handling, and it's great for parking garages and bridges, or anywhere where form and pour techniques have been used." Salazar is referring to EucoRepair SCC, a pourable and pumpable self- consolidating concrete repair mortar that can be placed from 2.5 centimetres up to full depth without extending with aggregate. EucoRepair SCC Fast is an accelerated version that allows for faster stripping of forms and earlier return to service. Both products are fortified with micro fibre to increase tensile strength and help prevent plastic shrinkage cracking, and they contain unique polymers that improve adhesion and durability. The advantages of using a concrete repair mortar that flows into place effortlessly include reduced labour requirements, no vibration or screeding, and faster construction. Often this flowability is achieved by overwatering the mortar, which decreases its strength and can lead to segregation. By incorporat- ing unique water reducing and viscosity modifying additives in EucoRepair SCC and EucoRepair SCC Fast, high flow is achieved without excess water, assuring the strength and stability of the mortar. Also from Euclid Canada is Eucoweld 2.0, the latest version of a bonding agent that is applied straight to a concrete surface and ideal for form and pour applica- tions. It can be applied wet on wet, and its long open time is such that even if it sits on site for up to a week it still retains 100 percent bonding capability. Repair materials can be placed either after it has dried or while still wet. Finally, RJC Engineers is continuing a unique undertaking in the realm of restoration by liaising with academe to help advance the tools used in restoration. Specifically, project engineer Peter Dias is working with the civil engineering and materials specialists at the University of Victoria, reviewing and testing a variety of newer commercially available patch products as well as some research and development material generated by post-grad students. The collaboration has been ongoing for several years now and resulted in, among other things, the confirmation of in-situ material and performance properties of new patch materials. The collaboration and data extracted gives RJC Engineers confidence to specify new restoration approaches, which can help minimize disruption during repair of existing structures, and make it more financially and operationally preferable to extend the life of existing buildings – thus further reducing the lifetime carbon intensity of the physical asset. A SMART CONCRETE ® ® June 2023 ANNUAL INDUSTRY FEATURE: Roofing/Cladding Materials Book your ad space now:  |  Dan Chapman 604.473.0316

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