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D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | 77 Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Tower – Royal Inland Hospital P H OTO G R A P H Y BY J ER A L D WA L L I S ER /CO U RT E S Y PA R K I N A RC H I T EC T S capitalize on the wonderful views surrounding the tower. "We did every- thing we could to try and capture those views and bring the beautiful, natu- ral environment into the building. We designed four balconies: one in the paediatric mental health area; one for the staff and the surgical team, which is almost a full bay covered by the building; and two on the adult mental health floor," explains Shantz. The rooftop helipad was a chal- lenge and required rigorous seismic, acoustical, and wind testing. The roof is also home to a state-of-the-art fire suppression and drainage system that, in the event of a fire, separates fuel from water, which then gets stored in a 110,000 litre containment tank bur- ied on site. Connecting the new tower to the existing building wasn't quite as challenging as expected, explains Highton, who says that the tie-ins on the fifth floor, which connect the new tower and the existing building, were closer than anticipated. "Where the challenges came was with the systems. It's only when you start opening stuff up, you realise there's no room to run anything or there's abandoned pipe or abandoned rough-in that needs to be pulled out. We upgraded the system in the exist- ing hospital that ties in with the new systems in the tower." The mechanical system in the new tower is also innovative in design. "Our mechanical contrac- tor designed a multi-trade rack, which is a prefab construction. This meant when we got to floors four and up the mechanical system could show up in a 20-foot-long by four- and-a half-foot high rack. We then bolted those racks to the concrete sof- fit. That innovation was a huge time and space saver," says Highton. As the team get ready for Phase 2 of the project, which involves the renovation and the expan- sion of the emergency department, paediatrics, post-anesthetic recov- ery, morgue, and the Ronald McDonald Family Room, they take a moment to reflect on the tower. "Without IH being the part- ner they are, this project wouldn't have happened. They worked with us tirelessly to find alternatives, and together with the entire team, the community and staff, we were able to complete a project we are very proud of," says Highton. A #114 - 19140-28th Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3S 6M3 Phone: 604-531-3156 • Fax: 604-531-3163 Gallagher Bros is proud of the work performed by our Staff and Crews on the Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Tower - Royal Inland Hospital project. Our scope of work consisted of: • Design Assist and Development • Off-Site Mock-up and Prefabrication • Exterior and Interior Steel Stud • Insulation and Drywall • Acoustic Tile Ceilings • Wood Linear Wall and Ceiling Panels • Acoustical Fabric Wall Panels We congratulate EllisDon Corporation on their VRCA 2022 Silver Award for the Royal Inland Hospital Patient Care Tower – Phase 1 Gallagher Bros.indd 1 Gallagher Bros.indd 1 2022-11-08 12:53 PM 2022-11-08 12:53 PM