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Application of Heatlok Soya HFO Pro closed cell spray foam insulation. D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | 29 Insulation P H OTO G R A P H Y CO U RT E S Y H U N T S M A N B U I L D I N G S O LU T I O N S Canada. It's well positioned as a niche product that provides a superior continuous insulation and a superior alternative to the conventional structural panels. As the flagship to our Insul-Sheathing panel offering, I'm truly happy to see this product being appreciated and adopted by builders all over." As for business overall in 2022, Danis says, "it has been another exciting year with very strong demand in the first and second quarters, from across North America. Not unlike several other manu- facturers, we have continued to be challenged by limited access to raw materials, transportation cost increases, and labour shortages. However, we have seen some positive changes into the third quarter with increased material availability and more sta- bility in pricing from the carriers. "The increasing cost of borrowing is also start- ing to reflect on demand for product: several projects are being cancelled or pushed back to a later date. All these factors will more than likely lead to a slower year in 2023 than what we have seen in the past cou- ple of years since the beginning of the pandemic." Maxime Duzyk, global director, building science and engineering for Huntsman Building Solutions, reports an abundance of activity in his company in 2022 and moving forward. "There are more D-Max projects coming up as D-Max is the easiest solution to meet the new energy efficiency requirements, plus there is more in-depth U-value testing of the D-Max Wall Assembly," he says, adding that these solutions have a much lower GWP impact compared to other types of insulation, both for embodied car- bon and for operational emissions. Duzyk is referring to an assembly and continu- ous insulation solution that allows closed cell spray polyurethane foam insulation to be installed from the interior, while managing thermal bridging of the studs and structure. The assembly utilizes Huntsman's Heatlok Soya HFO Pro closed cell spray foam insulation, which provides three key func- tions, acting as insulation, air barrier, and vapour barrier in a single product application. The wall assembly eliminates construction delays caused by inclement weather conditions, allowing contractors to continue installation during cold winter months. Similarly, Huntsman's X-Wall System is an assembly design solution allowing closed cell spray foam insulation to be installed completely from the exterior. The assembly cuts the thermal bridge of 7071 Oakwood Drive, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2G 0J3 Telephone (905) 356-1581 • Fax (905) 354-2077 Email: Website: Coatings.indd 1 Coatings.indd 1 2022-10-27 2:19 PM 2022-10-27 2:19 PM Triumph Roofing.indd 1 2019-07-18 12:07

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