Salmon Steward


Salmon Steward is the official publication of the Pacific Salmon Foundation in British Columbia, Canada

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18 spring/summer 2020 and fisheries management. He was born and raised in Campbell River and grew up fishing, which has led to his interest in lake and ocean ecology. "I've seen the impact that scholarships have to inspire and motivate students, and I'm honoured to be the recipient of this new award. Dr. Riddell has contributed so much to support Pacific salmon and I hope that I too can make a difference." PACIFIC SALMON FOUNDATION STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY BURSARIES Recipient: Kitina Munroe School: Vancouver Island University Volunteer: Partner in Parks Studying: Natural Resource Protection Originally from Nanaimo, Kitina grew up with a passion for the outdoors. Working for Fisheries and Oceans Canada as a recreational creel observer piqued her interest in a career related to habitat protection; so when her son, Isaac, was 15 months old, she started her studies at Vancouver Island University. Now in her third year, Kitina and Isaac volunteer with Partners in Parks in Nanaimo and she plans to become a natural resources officer when she graduates. As Kitina puts it: "Making the planet a better place in the future for Isaac and his friends has helped steer me in my career choice." Recipient: Kade Pilton School: Vancouver Island University Volunteer: Quatse Hatchery, Marble River Hatchery, Ducks Unlimited Studying: Natural Resource Protection Kade Pilton grew up in Qualicum Beach, and he is pursuing a career in technical fisheries work. In addition to taking his third year of degree studies, he keeps busy as a volunteer Steelhead snorkel surveyor for the Quatse Hatchery in Port Hardy. "Growing up in Qualicum Beach, I was surrounded by lakes, rivers and the nearby ocean," he says, "so pursuing a career related to the protection of habitat for salmon and other species seems a natural fit." Kitina Munroe and son Isaac Kade Pilton SINCE 1987 DID YOU KNOW? raised by local communities for Community Salmon Program projects for each $1 granted by Pacific Salmon Foundation TOTAL DOLLAR VALUE of projects funded by PSF, including leveraging by local communities $222 MILLION unique Pacific salmon conservation, restoration and enhancement projects supported by PSF 35,000 $ 7 volunteers engaged through projects funded by Pacific Salmon Foundation TOTAL DOLLAR VALUE of all project grants made by Pacific Salmon Foundation $ 62.7 MILLION 3,571 (EELGRASS/DIVER) EIKO JONES; (KIDS) GDS OF SEYMOUR SALMONID SOCIETY

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