Winter 2018

Issue link: http://digital.canadawide.com/i/1056266

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TRAVEL Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Cold Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Cold Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Cold BC winters inspire a mental tug-of-war between wonder and BC winters inspire a mental tug-of-war between wonder and BC winters inspire a mental tug-of-war between wonder and weariness: gloomy grey days, but tons of snow at higher elevations. weariness: gloomy grey days, but tons of snow at higher elevations. weariness: gloomy grey days, but tons of snow at higher elevations. The mountain wonderlands are so alluring that, come December, The mountain wonderlands are so alluring that, come December, The mountain wonderlands are so alluring that, come December, we can't wait to head up the hill for frosty frolicking. By February we can't wait to head up the hill for frosty frolicking. By February we can't wait to head up the hill for frosty frolicking. By February though (OK, mid-January), we're so over it, and ready to book a flight though (OK, mid-January), we're so over it, and ready to book a flight though (OK, mid-January), we're so over it, and ready to book a flight to warmer climes. Can't decide whether to revel in winter or seek to warmer climes. Can't decide whether to revel in winter or seek to warmer climes. Can't decide whether to revel in winter or seek the sun? Here are some vacation ideas to suit all tastes and the sun? Here are some vacation ideas to suit all tastes and the sun? Here are some vacation ideas to suit all tastes and budgets, from quick getaways to once-in-a-lifetime adventures. budgets, from quick getaways to once-in-a-lifetime adventures. budgets, from quick getaways to once-in-a-lifetime adventures. by Lisa Kadane by Lisa Kadane by Lisa Kadane

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